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Most of us know that water is not only necessary but good for our health but do you know there are specific benefits to drinking water for weight loss?

In fact, 30-59% of American adults who try to lose weight do so by increasing their water intake.

Many other studies show that drinking more water can benefit weight loss and long-term weight management.

Bottom line: Water can be really useful to lose weight.

It is 100% free of calories, helps you burn more calories and can even suppress your appetite if you have it before meals.

The benefits are even greater when you replace sugary drinks with water. This makes it is a very easy way to reduce sugar and calories in your diet overall.

However, keep in mind that you will probably need to do a lot more than simply drink water if you need to lose a large amount of weight.

Water is just one, very small but significant piece of the puzzle. Continue reading to learn how it can help you start losing weight today.

Benefits of Drinking Water for Weight Loss

1. Drink Water Before Meals To Reduce Your Appetite
Some people claim that drinking water before a meal reduces appetite.

Actually, there seems to be some truth behind this, but almost exclusively in middle-aged and older adults. 
  • One study shows that overweight and obese middle-aged participants who drank water before each meal lost 44% more weight, compared to a group that did not drink more water.
  • Other studies of older adults have shown that drinking water before each meal can increase the amount of weight loss by 2kg (4.4 lbs) over a 3-month period.
  • Another study also shows that people who drink water before they have breakfast reduce the number of calories they consume during the meal by 13%.
  • Although it is possible that this can benefit middle-aged and older people. Studies with younger people do not show the same impressive reduction in calorie intake.

KEY POINT: Drinking water before your meal can reduce appetite. Especially in people who are middle-aged and older people. This decreases the intake of calories, which leads to weight loss.

2. Drinking More Water Can Reduce Calorie Intake and Create a Lower Risk of Weight Gain

Since water is naturally calorie-free, it is usually related to reduced caloric intake.
This is mainly because you will eventually drink water instead of other drinks, which are often high in calories and sugar. 
Observational studies show people who mainly drink water have an average calorie intake that is typically less than 200 calories (or 9%).
Drinking water can also help prevent long-term weight gain. In general, the average person adds an extra weight amount of approximately 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) every 4 years.
This amount can be cut down by:
  • Replace all beverages with water: Making water the substitute for a single can serving of sugar-sweetened beverage may reduce your typical 4-year weight gain by around 0.5 kg (1.1 lbs).
  • Add one cup of water: By simply increasing your daily water intake by 1 cup you may be able to reduce any future weight gain by 0.13 kg (0.23 lbs).
  • It is especially important to encourage children to drink water, as it can help them avoid being overweight or obese. A recent study, based at the school, aimed to reduce obesity rates by encouraging children to drink water. They installed water sources in 17 schools and provided classroom lessons on water consumption for second and third-grade students. After one school year, the risk of obesity was reduced by 31% in schools where water consumption was increased.

KEY POINT: Drinking more water can reduce caloric intake and reduce the risk of long-term weight gain and obesity, especially in children.

3. Drinking Water Can Help Burn More Calories
Most of the studies listed in this article look at the effect of consuming a 17-oz (0.5-liter) serving of water. 

Drinking water raises the amount of calories that you burn. This is also known as resting energy expenditure.
  • In adults, resting energy expenditure has been shown to increase by 24-30% in 10 minutes of drinking water. This lasts at least 60 minutes.
  • Supporting this is another a study of obese and overweight children found a 25% increase in resting energy expenditure after drinking cold water.
  • A study of overweight women examined the effects of increasing water intake by more than 1 liter (34 oz) per day. They found that over a period of 12 months, this resulted in an additional weight loss of 2 kg (4.4 lbs). Since these women did not make any lifestyle changes, except to drink more water, these results are very impressive.
  • In addition, both studies indicate that drinking 0.5 liters (17 ounces) of water results in an additional 23 calories burned. On an annual basis, that adds up to approximately 17,000 calories or more than 2 kg (4.4 lbs) of fat.
  • There are many more studies that monitor overweight people who drank 34-50 oz (1-1.5 liters) of water daily for a few weeks. The findings show a significant reduction in weight, BMI (Body Mass Index), waist circumference and overall body fat.

These results can be even more impressive when the water is cold. When you drink cold water, your body uses extra calories to heat the water to body temperature.

How Much Water to Drink For Weight Loss?

There are many health blogs and authorities that recommend you drink eight glasses of water of 8 ounces (about 2 liters) per day.

However, this number is completely bogus and not based on any scientific fact.

As with so many things, the water requirements depend completely on the individual. For example, people who do a lot of sweating or regularly take part in physical activities may need more water than those who are not very active.
Older people and mothers who are breastfeeding may also need to control their water intake more closely.
Keep in mind that you also get water from many foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, meat, fish, milk and especially fruits and vegetables.
Mr.Water Geek Thinking

As a general rule, you should always drink water when you are thirsty and drink enough to quench your thirst.
If you get a headache, are in a bad mood, are constantly hungry or have trouble concentrating, you may suffer from mild dehydration. Drinking more water can help solve this.
According to studies, drinking 1-2 liters of water per day should be enough to help you lose weight.

However, this is only a general guide. Some people may need less, while others may need much more.
Also, it is not recommended to drink a lot of water, as it can cause water toxicity. This has even caused death in extreme cases, such as during water consumption contests.
BOTTOM LINE: According to studies, 1-2 liters of water per day is enough to help with weight loss, especially when consumed before meals.

Scientific References

Jordan J, Shannon JR, Grogan E, Biaggioni I, Robertson D. A potent pressor response elicited by water drinking in humans. Lancet. 1999;353:723.
Casazza, K., Brown, A., Astrup, A. et al. Weighing the evidence of common beliefs in obesity research. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2014
Boschmann M, Steiniger J, Hille U, Tank J, Adams F, Sharma AM, et al. Water-induced thermogenesis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003;88:6015–9.
Dennis, E.A., Dengo, A.L., Comber, D.L. et al. Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults. Obesity. 2010; 18: 300–307
Stucchi P, Cano V, Ruiz-Gayo M, Fernández-Alfonso MS. Aliskiren reduces body-weight gain, adiposity, and plasma leptin during diet-induced obesityBr J Pharmacol (2009) 158:771–8.10.1111/j.1476-5381.2009.00355.x
Akers, J.D., Cornett, R.A., Savla, J.S., Davy, K.P., and Davy, B.M. Daily self-monitoring of body weight, step count, fruit/vegetable intake, and water consumption: A feasible and effective long-term weight loss maintenance approach. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2012; 112: 685–692.e2

REAL & Scary Scientific Benefits of Drinking Water For Weight Loss

Chances are that you have probably heard it more than once: drinking more water can help you lose more weight. But is water for weight loss real?
The short answer is yes. Drinking water is generally good for health and well being. However, it also helps you lose weight when it helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Even though it sounds weird, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water. This leads you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.

5 Steps to Use Water for Weight Loss


If you really want the water you drink to help you lose weight, drink enough water. You may need to drink more water if you exercise a lot or sweat a lot, or less water if you drink other drinks like herbal tea (make sure they are decaffeinated).
The amount of water you need depends on your size, weight and activity level. You should try to drink between half an ounce and an ounce of water for every pound you weigh, every day. 
How do you know if you are getting enough water? A general rule is to check the bathroom after a number 1. You will know that you are well hydrated if your urine is clear or very light yellow. The darker your urine is, the more water you need to drink, especially if your goal is to lose weight.
Try this Water Intake Calculator to see if you’re staying hydrated enough for your weight loss goals!


Eliminate soda and juice and replace them with water to help you lose weight. If you think the water tastes boring, add a slice of lemon. A glass of water with lemon is a recipe for successful weight loss because the pectin in lemons helps reduce food cravings. Do you think water really does not help with weight loss? Give up those sugary drinks for a few weeks and see the difference.


This is because water is an appetite suppressant. Drinking a glass of water before meals can make you feel fuller, therefore, reducing the amount of food you eventually eat. The WebMD health resources website states that water consumption before meals results in an average reduction in the intake of 75 calories per meal. Drinking water before a single meal per day will cause you to eat 27,000 fewer calories each year. Do the math. I have and worked out that I can lose about eight pounds per year with clean water alone. Now imagine if you drank it before each meal? Get a good water bottle by your side to help make sure you get the right amount of water before a meal. But don’t forget to Water Intake Calculator  amount first. 


Did you know that drinking water helps prevent muscle cramps and keeps your joints lubricated? All this just means that you can exercise for longer and harder. This makes drinking water each day, especially when you’re physically active not only necessary but another way that proper hydration helps you lose weight.


This is according to the editorial staff of WebMD and supported by academic research. The claim is that drinking ice water helps boost your metabolism. This is  because your body has to work harder to heat the once in your body water. The result of this is your body burns more calories and helps you lose weight. In addition, ice cold water is much more refreshing than water at room temperature. To do this you can get a stainless steel wide mouth water bottle that retains the temperature of whatever water you put in it (hot or cold). This combines style and functionality and can ultimately give you the tools you need to start boosting your metabolism and losing weight.

Water Diet Weight Loss in a Week

One of the reasons why water for weight loss is such a good idea is that it contains zero calories and is naturally good for the body.
As great as water is, it is even better when compared to other drinks. Especially soft drinks and coffee drinks – even fruit juices have their down side but water doesn’t.
Mr Water Geek Thinking
Don’t believe me?
Consider a 2015 BMC Public Health study of more than 1100 adults. The study shows that every 3.4 ounces of running water consumption results in a 0.7-ounce reduction in caloric beverage. 
Then there is the obvious benefit of fat loss. After day two (maybe before) your body has nothing more to run than its own fat. The weight of the water you lose will return quickly, but that fat loss is real.
If you go on a complete water diet fast (i.e. no food or drinks except water) then expect to lose 1-2 pounds per day.
Are you going to try this? Comment below and let me know your results.

5 RIDICULOUSLY EASY Water for Weight Loss Steps

What Are The 30 Day Water Challenge Rules?

The 30 day water challenge only has 2 rules. (i) You must drink 1 gallon or 3.7 liters of water every day for 30 days and (ii) you can not drink any sweetened beverages or alcohol.
In a sense it could be called the 30 day gallon water challenge.
Here’s the deal…

30 Day Water Challenge Rules

What Happens When You Take the 30 Day 1 Gallon A Day Challenge?

Water Makes You Smarter

Adding lots of water into your diet makes your brain react faster. This is according to research published in the Frontiers in the Human Neuroscience Journal.
Here’s the deal.
Your brain needs oxygen to work properly. Water is one of thee best sources of oxygen for your organs. When you drink more water, it also means you have more brainpower. Water helps you focus and think better. This will make you a more clever and quicker thinker.
The research is clear. Your cognitive abilities have the potential to go up to about 30% if you drink between 8-10 cups of water each day.

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Water Will Help You Age Slower

Drinking large amounts of water will help your skin retain most of its moisture and renew the cells in your body.
What’s the best part?
Drinking water has also been shown to slow down the aging processes in your skin. This is because water helps to keep your skin hydrated and moisturised. There is some evidence that this also reduces wrinkles and helps you retain muscle tone.
For instance, the online newspaper Daily Mail published an article showing proof. The article shows how a 42 year old mother was able to look 10 years younger after drinking large amounts of water for 30 days.
The 42 year old woman initially began by drinking 3 liters of water a day to help battle digestion problems and headaches. However, she reported being genuinely shocked by the results after a 30 day trial. Her digestion issues and headaches disappeared. She was also able to overcome chronic dehydration.

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Water Boosts Your Metabolism and Immune System

The HFR (Health Fitness Revolution) suggest that drinking 16 oz (i.e. 454ml) of water first thing in the morning can raise your metabolic rate by 24%!
Have you ever heard of a Slovakian proverb, which says “pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine”? It’s so true if you think about it. Water is excellent at renewing the organs in your body. For instance, studies show that drinking more water boosts the performance of your kidneys and liver. These organs are the one’s that remove toxins, salt and other waste products from your body.

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Your Heart Will Be Strengthened

Water keeps your heart healthy. Experts and researchers say that water dilutes your blood. This makes it less likely to clot.
Why does this matter?
Clotting or thickening in your blood is what brings down your blood pressure. Blood clots is one of the causes of a heart attack. However, consuming more water in your diet helps to reduce this from happening.
It has been said that you should always drink an extra glass of water an hour before bed. Doing this is enough to significantly reduce your risk of a stroke or heart attack. This is because extra water makes it easier for your heart to send oxygenated blood to your organs.
And if you need extra proof.
There was a 6 year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology based on people who drank 5 glasses  of water a day. The study showed that they were 41% less likely to suffer from a heart attack by the end. This was compared to people who only drank 2 glasses of water each day.

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Water is Good For Weight Loss

The first and most obvious fact to point out is that water contains 0 calories. If nothing else, that means drinking water will not make you put on any weight. Water also makes you eat less because water acts as an appetite suppressant.
If you want to read more about how good water is for weight loss, check this out.

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Drinking More Water Saves You Money

Water is often 100% FREE! Even if you choose bottled/filtered water, it’s STILL cheaper than your high sugar and fat-filled latte!

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Makes Your Bones Stronger

Water helps rebuild what has been called, your “shock absorber cartilage”. This is the type of cartilage that helps your bones move smoothly.

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Gallon Of Water A Day For 30 Days Results / Outcomes

Here is just one example of the results you can expect (good and bad). They come from youtuber, Charles Botensten.
Purifyou Premium Glass Water Bottle with Silicone Sleeve & Stainless Steel Lid Insert
30 Day Water Challenge Infographic - Water BottleBOTTLE: http://amzn.to/2ftPIc7 – a cent or two if order, thank you 🙂

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30 Day Water Challenge App?

Do you want all of these benefits to be yours? I know of 2 apps that can help you with the water challenge.

Drink More Water: 30-Day Challenge App

This app works by allowing you to calculate your body weight so that you can get the right daily water in take amount. It also sets you up by asking a number of other questions like how much exercise you do per day.
However, you can manually put in your daily water goal of 1 gallon. The app will help you keep track of your progress.

30 Day Water Detox Challenge App

This app does many of the things mentioned in the previous app. It helps you keep track of your daily record. However, what really makes this app special is that it gives you lots of ideas for alternative water based drinks.
Water based drinks that contain low-to-no calories and therefore would count towards your gallon per day.

Do you want to know the best part?
There are many apps out there that help you keep track of your daily water in take. Some of them are FREE and all of them have been reviewed by me – – > Drink Water Reminder Apps 

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30 Day Water Challenge WARNING!

Gallon A day 30 Day Water Challenge Side Effects?

(i) The first negative side effect is that you will need to pee A LOT.
(ii) Did you know that drinking too much water in one sitting is dangerous? Drinking an insane amount of water in one sitting can lead to hyponatremia. In extreme circumstances this could lead to death. In essence, whatever you do, spread out your water in take throughout the day.

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FREE 30 Day Water Challenge Chart Printable – PDF Download

Click here < to download this free chart. Use it to tick off each successfully completed day during your 30 gallon a day water challenge.
FREE 30 Day Water Challenge Chart
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30 Day Water Challenge Infographic (Results)

30 Day Water Challenge Infographic

Infographic References / Sources 

  • Haas, Elson M. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. The Complete Guide to Diet & Nutritional Medicine. Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1992.
  • American Chemical Society National Meeting August 22-26, 2010, Boston, MA.
  • Discovery News August 23, 2010.

Here is What Happens If You do The 30 Day Water Challenge [Infographic]

Coconut Water Weight Loss

Coconut water weight loss, where to start? Well hydration has been shown by study after study as one of the best ways to loose weight. Simply drinking 9 ounces of water 30 minutes before each meal will cause you to loose weight as shown in a landmark study.
This works because hydration can help your body rid itself of toxins and it will also make you eat less overall. However, if you fail to drink enough fluid then your body will enter a dehydrated state, the result of this is a slower metabolism. This means that your body will burn fewer calories if you stay in a dehydrated state.

Of course all of this is a big no-no if you want to loose weight. The conclusion is clear, keeping yourself properly hydrated will help you shed body fat.
Now, can coconut water do a better job than just plain old water?
Especially as it has more natural nutrients than water so it makes sense that drinking more of this will help you loose weight, right?
The answer is yes, but only if you do coconut water weight loss in the right way as this article will explore….

Coconut Water Nutrition Facts

Getting extra fiber in your dies is very good for weight loss. It might also interest you to know that fiber contains zero calories. It is great for your colon and digestion health – again another way for you to get rid of more toxins in an easier way. This means coconut water is a great alternative to water as most drinks are low in fiber. Even juices as they have had the solid parts of the fruits removed as part of the juicing process. In fact, coconut water is one of the few drinks that has a naturally high fiber content.
Coconut water typically contains 1.1 g of dietary fiber in 100 grams. It contains zero cholesterol, while also being very low in fat which makes it perfect for weight loss.

Coconut Water Nutrition Table

PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy19 Kcal1%
Carbohydrates3.71 g3%
Protein0.72 g1.5%
Total Fat0.20 g1%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber1.1 g3%
Folates3 µg0.75%
Niacin0.080 mg0.5%
Pantothenic acid0.043 mg<1%
Pyridoxine0.032 mg2.5%
Riboflavin0.057 mg4%
Thiamin0.030 mg2.5%
Vitamin C2.4 mg4%
Vitamin A0 IU0%
Vitamin E0 mg0%
Vitamin K0 mcg0%

Sodium105 mg7%
Potassium250 mg5%
Calcium24 mg2.4%
Copper40 mcg4.5%
Iron0.29 mg3.5%
Magnesium25 mg6%
Manganese0.142 mg%
Zinc0.10 mg1%

Coconut Water Side Effects

First of all it is important to note that there have not been many tests and studies that look at coconut water. However, there is no strong evidence of side effects and overall it seems quite safe. Coconut milk might contain some sodium. However note that coconut milk(a white milk-like liquid from the coconut itself) is not the same as coconut water (the actual water that is inside the center of the coconut). This means that if sodium is in any way harmful to you then be weary of consuming coconut milk.
On the other hand, coconut water could help to lower your blood pressure. In fact it goes one step further than this by helping your body to absorb medications that you take to lower blood pressure. However, the fact that it affects your blood pressure in anyway leads on to the following warning.
The warning to take note of: after surgery, coconut water could interfere with your blood pressure control so it is advisable to stop drinking coconut water around any scheduled surgery.

Coconut Water Brands

 There is one more possible danger with coconut water and that comes from what different water brands and manufactures do to it i.e. add sugar to it.
In it’s natural form, coconut water is good for weight loss because it does not contain sugar but that means that it doesn’t always taste very nice. As a result many coconut water brands and manufacturers add sugar to it to ensure it tastes sweet for consumers.
If you buy a brand of coconut water with added sugar it might taste better but do absolutely nothing for your desire for weight loss.

Coconut Water Brands That Do Not Contain Sugar

Brand: Nature Factor Organic Coconut Water
Coconuts sourced from: Thailand
Brand: Naked
Coconuts sourced from: Brazil – Owned by PepsiCo
Brand: ZICO
Coconuts sourced from: Thailand
Brand: Amy & Brian Coconut Juice
Coconuts sourced from: Thailand
Brand: O.N.E. Coconut Water
Coconuts sourced from: Philippines/Indonesia – Owned by PepsiCo
Brand: Taste Nirvana Real Coconut Water
Coconuts sourced from: Thailand

The Truth About Coconut Water Weight Loss